Liver disease
Liver is very important for good health. Liver disease occurs in different ways such as pre-hepatic, hepatic and post hepatic. The liver is located on the right side of the stomach, so in astrology, in the horoscope of the person, the liver comes under the jurisdiction of the fifth house. The liver in the human body is closely associated with the pancreas which is related to the secretion of pancreatic juice for the purpose of digestion, so if your liver is not working properly then your digestive system will be affected and you will become unhealthy. Related Diseases - Astro Medical
The liver is a large glandular organ in vertebrates that secretes bile and purifies the venous blood. There are many types of diseases related to liver, such as jaundice, cirrhosis of liver, cancer of liver, tuberculosis of liver, abscess of liver etc. The fifth house also follows the same rule. Leo is the seat of the liver in the natural zodiac. Jupiter is its factor. Sun and Mars are the planets governing Pitta. Moon is the lord of blood. When Leo, the fifth house, the lord of the fifth house, Jupiter, Moon, Sun and Mars are afflicted, are badly positioned and form a relationship with the disease causative house or planet, they suggest liver trouble. Just as the Sun is also the factor of the abdomen, its position, strength etc. are important for liver diseases. Mars is the planet which causes boils and afflictions in the fifth house by a sinner Mars or the fifth house of Mars or the lord of the fifth house or the causative planet can cause liver abscess. Similarly, Rahu is responsible for tuberculosis of the liver. When all malefic planets afflict houses and karaka planets and are related to disease karaka house or planet, they can give rise to liver cancer.
liver disease
I am giving below some combinations that control liver diseases:-
If Moon is in between malefic planets and Sun is in Capricorn, they can cause liver abscess.
If the Moon is in between two sinners and Saturn is in the seventh house, they can cause liver abscess.
Inauspicious Jupiter in lagna or dust causes liver disease.
The lord of the ascendant and the eighth house with Jupiter cause similar diseases.
The lord of the ascendant, afflicted in the second and fourth houses causes similar diseases in the same house.
If the lord of Ascendant is situated in the sixth house with Jupiter, then it gives rise to such diseases.
Ascendant, the lord of the fourth house and Jupiter are afflicted in the same house, there are similar diseases.
Liver Diseases - Astro Medical
The liver is a large glandular organ in vertebrates that secretes bile and purifies the venous blood. There are many types of diseases related to liver, such as jaundice, cirrhosis of liver, cancer of liver, tuberculosis of liver, abscess of liver etc. The fifth house also follows the same rule. Leo is the seat of the liver in the natural zodiac. Jupiter is its factor. Sun and Mars are the planets governing Pitta. Moon is the lord of blood. When Leo, the fifth house, the lord of the fifth house, Jupiter, Moon, Sun and Mars are afflicted, are badly positioned and form a relationship with the disease causative house or planet, they suggest liver trouble. Just as the Sun is also the factor of the abdomen, its position, strength etc. are important for liver diseases. Mars is the planet which causes boils and afflictions in the fifth house by a sinner Mars or the fifth house of Mars or the lord of the fifth house or the causative planet can cause liver abscess. Similarly, Rahu is responsible for tuberculosis of the liver. When all malefic planets afflict houses and karaka planets and are related to disease karaka house or planet, they can give rise to liver cancer.
liver disease
I am giving below some combinations that control liver diseases:-
If Moon is in between malefic planets and Sun is in Capricorn, they can cause liver abscess.
If the Moon is in between two sinners and Saturn is in the seventh house, they can cause liver abscess.
Inauspicious Jupiter in lagna or dust causes liver disease.
The lord of the ascendant and the eighth house with Jupiter cause similar diseases.
The lord of the ascendant, afflicted in the second and fourth houses causes similar diseases in the same house.
If the lord of Ascendant is situated in the sixth house with Jupiter, then it gives rise to such diseases.
Ascendant, the lord of the fourth house and Jupiter are afflicted in the same house, there are similar diseases.
As an astrological remedy for what we are assessing through Astro Medical, we can do remedies related to Jupiter, donating yellow things to him, chanting Jupiter Mantra, etc. But for maximum benefit, magazine assessment is necessary for what Without telling too many remedies, only one thing would like to say that you should get your magazine assessed and take full benefits through Astro Medical because there is a solution to every problem in Astro Medical, if we go to the shelter of Nation Medical in time, then without us The right treatment can be found by wasting time, otherwise the disease progresses with the passage of time and death is certain, then please do not waste time and take your advice.
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Greetings from Acharya J.P. Singh.
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